club contacts
2024-25 Coaches
Hockey Director- Aaron Huffnagle
Coaching Director/ Player Development- Vince Williams
Goalie Coach- Nick Anastasia
8U Beginner- Chris Tommins and Ken Harri
8U Intermediate- Aaron Huffnagle and Rich Pocock
8U Full Ice- Aaron Huffnagle, Kristina Morro and Rich Pocock
9AA- Kristina Morro, Frank Luciano, Brandon Powell
10U- Jeff Lenard and Vince Williams
12U Green- Bill High
12U Black- Chris Brosius, Mike Westerlund, Daryll Sporer
14U Green- John Meyer
14U Black- Tim Carey, Joe Pharis, and Sorin Luca- Chis
16A- Aaron Huffnagle
16AA- Chris Tommins and Aaron Huffnagle
18A- Mike Glick, Alan Cogbill, Jaared Krasner and Mike Katz
18AA- Mike Glick, Alan Cogbill, Jaared Krasner and Mike Katz